So, I managed to hit ten days overdue. I had a fetal assessment on friday, and baby is measuring in at ‘around nine pounds.’ As you can imagine, I’m looking forwards to upgrading to pushing out a bigger baby this labour. Anyways, it won’t be long now. Either baby will give it up and stop hiding in there, or I will be induced very soon. Count on my next post being a ‘meet the baby’ post. :) And after that, I’ll have several fun things to share … the baby room and the things I have sewn for it, and also several cute little projects I made for baby and couldn’t share without giving up the gender. I’ve told people here and there and everywhere, but was determined to not make a big public announcement until baby was born.
For now, I shall share some exciting before and after pictures. Of Mo Monday. What is that, you ask? Chris’ boss challenged the guys to show up this Monday sporting manly moustaches. Whoever either does not participate or comes with the poorest offering has to buy breakfast. So, we present the Before shots.
Chris is pretty shy, as you can tell.
And here we have the After shots. I nearly peed when he came out of the bathroom.
(Chris was cracking himself up, obviously)
Wowsers. Smells like honkytonk up in here. He wants to grow it longer and curl it and let food and smallish critters hide in it. I’m afraid, I’m very afraid.
Anywho, I’ll see you after I’ve pushed out this baby. I expect you to present me with warm cinnamon buns. No particular reason other than that I just saw a picture of some and I really want some.
hahahahaha, okay this whole post, from the honkeytonk to the cinnamon buns, had me rolling. Good God, woman, I hope you're having that baby right now!!