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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh, wow. Inspirational.

I would like this man to become my husband's new best friend so they can spend all thier spare time together making this for my daughter. By 'this' I mean, the absolutely gorgeous and crazy playhouse he made for his little girls. Over the top! I love it. The only thing I'd do differently myself, is I would skip the TV part. But the magic mirror? The bookshelves? Everything else? Yes, yes, yes. LOVE IT.

Gorgeous. My husband will start work on a playhouse that will not compare to this, for practical reasons (we live somewhere where it is below zero more than half the time) because it wouldn't have the chance to get half the use. (unless he wants to throw in heating and shovel the walk... you never know. lol)

Check it out on instructables! http://www.instructables.com/id/The_Princess_Playhouse/ I love what he calls it too, Princess Playhouse. <3>

If oldschool is more your style, check out this picture of my daddy and my aunties and uncles (a bit of a his, hers, thiers, and ours family, but yes, those are all my aunties and uncles, with my Opa and Oma)

Guess who never had a playhouse like this? Yup, my aunties and uncles. lol. There were enough of them that i'm sure they were never bored, though. Guess if i know all thier names. Guess! (no. No I do not.) Im pretty sure my dad is the boy in the front with the white sweater. How much do you love that the girls wore little gloves and flowers in thier hair for this picture? Adorable.

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