Definitely go check this out on craftster. I've pretty much decided that 'Sewsew-a-gogo' has to be the most brilliant person i've come upon today. And my favourite part is that it is so doable.
Speaking of the word 'do'... I realize I have been posting more of what others have been up to and less about me. Truth be told, i haven't been up to much - still struggling with overhauling my office. Plus I've been feeling pretty exhaused. Basically my heart rate at rest is closer to the average ideal 'working out' heart rate than it is to the ideal 'at rest' heart rate. I have an appointment in a week with a cardiologist and hopefully we can figure something out. It's not the coffee! I am drinking only a cup or two a day! I am innocent! lol. Who knows. I hope it's nothing major. So anyways, I've decided that's why i'm so tired and that's why I'm so uncrafty.
Actually, I lied... I'm knitting a cardigan for my DD with a lovely silk/bamboo yarn! I'm making the pattern up as I go along, and making notes, so hopefully I can share the pattern with y'all if it works out. I should warn you though, it's going to be a hybrid project - knitted sweater with crochet edging. yummmmmmmmmmmmm.
I love that beach house bunk too. I would love to do one for my niece like a Parisian apartment, with a little outdoor cafe on top.