It's been absolutely gorgeous outside, and by gorgeous I of course mean barely tolerable aside from the pure sunshine, with occasional bouts of warm. Regardless, this has directly resulted in me spending as much time outdoors as possible. Am I supermom, with the outdoorsy athleticism? No, no I am not. If there is a mess outside, it is daddy's problem. There are around four months or so of really decent weather here, and I like to pretty much live outdoors during this time. The other 2/3 of the year, I do 99% of the work around the house (my husband work hard manual labour and long days, so I don't begrudge most of this. I do get irritated when it starts to lean towards the 'I'm not your mother' zone.)

My sweet little DD is quite the trooper, despite her current lack of forehead (ouch) she is maintaining her usual attitude of cheer. In fact, she has taken to loading her dirty dishes into the dishwasher. 22 months, folks. I love this child. She is such a smartie. However, she also knows which key goes into the ignition and how to turn the key and then take the truck out of park. Intelligent toddlers can be a bit terrifying.

Did I say terrifying? I meant hilarious. She was quite proud of herself, dancing around declaring "BOOBIE! BOOBIE, MAMA!" Naturally, I clasped the bra (looping the clasp around to the front, the little bitty) so she wouldn't have to stop dancing every two seconds to put the bra back in place. At least she chose one of the cutest ones. Turkey.

Little model, too. She was making sure I got pictures from all angles. Then she danced around, giggling to herself and singing "Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!" This kid is such a funny bunny. I love her to pieces.
PS, La Senza sale - 3 for $40 !!!
She is a cutey!!!