Here are some of the things we did this weekend (aside from a spectacular trip to Canadian Tire... there are big seagrass baskets on sale from $14.99 to $4.99 - GO NOW!)
Played in the pool! Only where I live will you manage to have the heat on and the AC on in the same week. Sweaters on Monday, bikinis next Sunday! That's us! (Not me. I could be ten sizes smaller and I'd still never wear a bikini. Let's just say, stretchmark cream did NOTHING for me.)
You know what they say though, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! And join'em I did. I'm not scowly about it, that's the sun in my eyes.
Here we go. See? Mommy has fun. It was actually super comfortable. Mocking dismissed.
Since I don't actually have tons of actual useful info to share, I'll share the blog I'm currently scoping out like mad... Smart Bottom Enterprises. The name just slays me, for one. For two, adorable projects and children and stuff like that. Go take a peek-a-boo. I wanted to do the button, but it wouldn't work for me, maybe it's just blogger being a bum, it's been one lately. (sadface)
Speaking of faces, mine is nothing but happy now that my new laundry line is up! It is retractable! Obviously it has it's restrictions, but for somebody who doesn't want to commit to having a laundry line strung against her yard 24/7, it's fabulous! It's also just under $23. I know, right?! Go get one. I will get another one in the fall when it gets too cold to dry the clothes outside and mount it in the basement.
Parallel lives I tell you, parallel lives. only multiply the scribbles and chaos by 5 in my case. *grin*