First of all… Happy Canada Day! I aim to do absolutely no work moving into my new craftroom today. Unless I really, really want to.
We’re so pleased with our peas! For nearly a week now Nicole and I have been eating fresh young pea pods off the vine. Nicole cautiously tasted the first one I gave her… …and then she loved it so much she asked if she could have them as a snack to go with a movie! Uh… yes? “Mommy, can you go pick me some peas?” is almost never turned down (unless there’s none big enough to eat.) She thinks she is getting snacks whenever she wants them. I think, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA VEGATABLES!”
This cute little skirt she’s wearing, by the way, is a refashion of a floor length size 8 or so skirt. The fabric looks almost like burlap with painted roses, and I knew I needed it to make Nicole something with. The pattern of the skirt was I believe from Ottobre Winter 09…?? I could be wrong though. Anyways, I made one and it was too big for her. Then I made another and it was too small, so I gave up. She’s grown into the first one now though!
She loves to wear clothes that mommy made. It’s very sweet. I just gave her a small stack of size four skirts to have… Skirts, I find, she has enough width that the size 4 stays on, so there’s a long wearability. Pants in that size are far too long.
She’s been requesting that I do her hair lately! It charms me. This little updo is very simple and easy, I can do it on myself in five minutes without a mirror. For serious. I don’t do the spikey sprays of hair when I do it on myself, mind you. Or the giant multicolored corker clip.
The above picture and the next two are what I got when I told her to be a model. Hehehe. She still does not have a modelling career in her future…
The above one isn’t too bad but you gotta love the almost painful expression on her face in this last one. Perhaps because this pose is so very awkward to do? She gives me the giggles.
I love asking my kids to pose, sometimes what they do is so funny I can't even take the picture because I am laughing to hard! I am so envious of you and your craft room, I want one :( Can't wait to see the finished room.