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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Naughty and Snotty

is what my kids are today. They both have a cold and it’s occasionally to the ‘aw, sad baby’ level, but mostly hovering around the ‘I’m miserable and I’m not sure why but it appears that mom is not so I shall have to do something about that promptly level.

So if you happen to walk past my house and see me in the windows springing around my house like a gazelle that's gone insane, clinging to my giant 3-month old and with a face that strongly resembles (D8) but with more hair and less sideways, please feel free to point and laugh. I’m laughing on the inside. (Right up until 11pm, at least.) I wish I was exaggerating but I’m not even this time, that really is the only thing that will calm Olivia down when she hits gale-force hysteria (a rare occasion for her, fortunately.) In fact I was doing it not ten minutes ago. (crazed face is optional.)

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Aww, they’re still cute. This was not taken today, but they were still lovin’ on each other today, despite ganging up on me a bit. Actually, yesterday, too. The sickies started yesterday and at one point they were cuddled up together in Nicole’s bed and Nicole was ‘reading’ one of her favourite books (Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy) to Olivia. It might be somewhere near –40 Celsius outside but my little heart is a warm puddle of mush. 

I have a doily project coming up that I was so beyond thrilled with myself for concocting. I need to go thrift store shopping for more doilies first. I know I have a few local followers, which thrift store will give me the best deal, do you suppose? I want white and I want multi-size.

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