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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Heart Faces–best of may


(I normally don’t do this, but if you click on this picture you can see a larger version of it. I can’t crop it down, I think its just lovely as-is, but the bigger this one gets the more I love it.)

This photo, hands down, no contest. I love her moody blues, I love her thoughtful expression (and really, you need a fast shutter speed to catch something like that on this one, she flits from one expression to the next so quickly) I even love her messy hair. I especially love that she miraculously is free of snot, chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, or any other sort of face-debris. Amazing!

If I had to hate something it would be how grown up Nicole looks here. I’m fighting off her impending fourth birthday, obviously a losing battle, and sadly she is looking quite intent on growing up, as kids are so prone to do.

The boring bits: Manual focus, 50mm old hand-me-down Pentax lens attached to my Canon Rebel,  ISO 200, 1/640, f-stop ummm, I can’t recall? I set it manually and don’t always even look.

I Heart Faces - Photography Challenges and Photo Tutorials

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