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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I survived my sleep-deprived EEG! Caught a few hours of napping this afternoon and I'm actually pretty fine! I have to say, though, once you hit 24 hours of no sleep, or at once I do, you get very disoriented and I was having difficulty sorting through my memory. Couldn't even remember at first which hospital to go to!

I totally had a I WENT THROUGH TWELVE HOURS OF LABOUR FOR YOU moment today. My 2 yr old basically spent the whole day with Grandma b/c gramma took us to the hospital, played with her during my test, and then took her so I could get some sleep. Then when she went to return this child, SHE DID NOT WANT. Me or her papa. Just wanted to go to Grandma's house. Grandma works at a school so she's off for the summer, so she decided to indulge her little monkeyface. DH and I are home alone for the night. I'm a woman of leisure tomorrow, too. Don't know what I'll do with myself. I'm sure I could come up with a few things. :D

Have to start really planning for DD's birthday. It's on saturday, we're having a little family thing this weekend and then I'm having a birthday party / mommies coffee social next week. So I'll probably wind up running errands for that! (photo is from last year's family dinner)

Okay I just remembered that I was planning on making a birthday crown and a birthday outfit and lots of stuff so I am pretty much doomed. Somebody mail me yourself to help. Why did I not get started on this yet?!

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