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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Craft Sale Recap

So, as I had mentioned, I did my first craft sale on Saturday. Thank you so much to all of you who offered support and encouragement! It wound up being a pretty slow sale, with a lot of browsers over buyers overall, so I think I did pretty well considering that. Enough to make my time at the sale and the table worth it for the items that sold, and I’m planning to list a lot of what was left on etsy. Since I went into it with the mindset that this would likely happen and it would be a good chance to stock up my store with ready to sell items, I’m not at all disappointed!

I’m just going to embed some pictures from instagram, because it was a hectic week and I didn’t get around to taking good pictures, and whenever I get a good photography day whatever is left will get it’s little photoshoot and wind up on etsy anyhow.

I was really intimidated when I got to the sale because all of my stuff fit on top of the one brown basket and one load in from my van. The tables were much bigger than I expected and a lot of people really had their tables just full! I consoled myself with the thought that a lot of those folks were out of the stage of their lives where they had young kids at home, and/or had worked with others to fill their tables. The table beside me had a lockbox and I had this tiny little nearly empty ziploc bag of change, and wound up being quite grateful to my hubby when he popped by partway through to drop off some more.


These bibs were a very popular item. I only sold one, but many browsers declared their love and wished for grandchildren. (Apparently not many people there had babies to buy for, but half the items I sold were baby items anyways, and it was the baby stuff that was exclaimed over the most. I personally also enjoy exclaiming over baby gear and pining for babies, even when I have no business pining for babies.) I plan on releasing a free pattern for the bibs after I double check that someone hasn't already done so. The first two-tone bib was a bit of an accident, I was piecing to make the most of the fat quarter pack I had of this freakin' adorable Cloud 9 fabric by Made By Rae. Then I fell madly in love with the look, made pattern pieces for it, and went to town.


This girly outfit sold, and I was pleased as punch and simultaniously mourning just a little bit at the loss of the ability to take it out and coo over it at random moments.


The little foxy onesie went too, along with a bib, for an impending baby. Glad to see I'm not the only one who appreciates a little hand stitching. (You can blame Kristie for my current hand stitching obsession, she has been instagramming and blogging all sorts of goodies with horribly perfect hand stitching all over the place.)

That's it for now for the craft sale stuff. I'll leave you with a tiny little sneak peek video of Nicole's little bedroom, which I also finished last week and have yet to blog about. I'll be doing some catch-up next week so you may get two days of DIY posts!

See you on Friday for a round up!

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